Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Copacabana. The original one. 28.11.12

Yes, the original Copacabana that gave its name to the Brazilian one is on the shores of Lago Titicata. As we were going to cycle back the same way we caught a bus north to the small lakeside 'resort'. It was good to be out of the city and we enjoyed the peace and quiet - but for me it was slightly underwhelming and not at all what I expected. It was rather like a greek island. We did enjoy the trout, for which the lake is justifiably famous. With a meal of fried trout costing £2 we ate more than our fair share. In fact I may have eaten so much that I may never be able to face trout again....

But to reach the far shore and Copacabana we had to use a vehicle 'ferry'.

The ferries consist of a large wooden platform (Editor; they are more akin to a raft than a barge), powered by a single outboard motor and skilled use of a long wooden pole, they flex alarmingly across their beam in choppy waters. Which we had on the return journey.

But they cope with tour buses so two bicycles were no problem.

"Mind the gaps, Sarah"




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