Thursday, 20 December 2012

Music. 19.12.12

Sam from Topsham asks;

"Dave,what music are you listening to on your trip?"

That's a good question, Sam.

Although I only very occasionally listen to my iPod, there are times when it just seems the right thing to do. The most recent occasion was on the Salar, when I did what any Englishman would do; brew a cuppa and take it out to lie down on the salt plain, looking up at the stars. For a time I enjoyed the total silence and unadulterated night sky. Then I slipped on the tiny plastic blimps that pass as earphones these days, and listened to.....

What can I say? We are all Children Of Our Time.

(Editor; what he has not admitted to is that the other track that features highly when a chill-out sound is required is Sailing by Christopher Cross. Not as cool as Floyd but one that always hits the right spot).


1 comment:

  1. Dave, what music are you listening to on your trip?
